
Specialized PDF reader designed specifically for music sheets

Specialized PDF reader designed specifically for music sheets AllegroPDF AllegroPDF is a specialized PDF reader designed specifically for music sheets. Features Motivation I didn’t fancy the available free solutions and was’t inclined to pay for them. Instead, I embarked on developing an app primarily driven by the desire for both fun and learning. Through this

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Understanding the Flutter GetX State Manager: A Comprehensive Guide

Flutter is one of the fastest ways to make native apps that can run on any device. It has features that let developers build a beautiful user interface for their users. But when developing a Flutter application, we must consider which state management to use. Many state management libraries are in Flutter, such as BLoC,

Understanding the Flutter GetX State Manager: A Comprehensive Guide Read More »

How to use Provider State Management In Flutter step by step

Using Provider for state management in Flutter is a popular choice due to its simplicity and flexibility. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use Provider for state management in your Flutter app: Step 1: Add Dependencies Ensure you have the necessary dependencies added to your pubspec.yaml file: dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter provider: ^5.0.0 Then,

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How to use GetX State management in Flutter

Introduction State management is a crucial aspect of Flutter app development, and there are various approaches to achieving it. One popular and efficient choice is using the GetX package. GetX provides a set of utilities that simplify state management, routing, dependency injection, and more. In this tutorial, we’ll explore the concept of state management with

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How to integration API with Getx State management in flutter

API integration with GetX is a process of connecting an API (Application Programming Interface) with GetX, a Flutter-based state management library. GetX provides a simple and efficient way to manage state in Flutter applications, which can be combined with API calls to fetch and manipulate data. To integrate an API with GetX, you will need

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Flutter Lifecycle Methods: An In-Depth Exploration

Flutter, a modern framework developed by Google, has gained immense popularity in the mobile development world. Its lifecycle methods are integral for creating responsive and well-functioning applications. This article delves into Flutter’s lifecycle methods, explaining their purposes, how they work, and providing code examples for a clearer understanding. Introduction to Lifecycle in Flutter In Flutter,

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Scaffold class in Flutter with Examples

Scaffold is a class in flutter which provides many widgets or we can say APIs like Drawer, Snack-Bar, Bottom-Navigation-Bar, Floating-Action-Button, App-Bar, etc. Scaffold will expand or occupy the whole device screen. It will occupy the available space. Scaffold will provide a framework to implement the basic material design layout of the application. Also Read:- Elementor

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What is the difference between static, const, and final in Dart?

Google created Dart, a cutting-edge object-oriented programming language renowned for its dependable performance and adaptability. Dart excels at creating web and mobile apps focusing on client-side and server-side development. This is because of its expressive syntax, a robust ecosystem of libraries, and the frameworks like Flutter. Dart is a versatile solution for various application development

What is the difference between static, const, and final in Dart? Read More »